AIR (Breath Easy)

AIR is your go to product for any kind of congestion! It is also has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties!

January 29th 2023

In 2001 I had a pulmonary embolism that completely filled my right lung and about 30% of my left lung. needless to say, it was an immediate emergency! Ever since then I have noticed that every time I get a cold, if it lands in my chest, I have a cough with phlegm that is hard to get rid of. about a month ago, mid Dec, my husband got sick, and of course I knew I would get it, so I took to my APLGO LOZENGES in Mass! I started with AIR, our newest lozenge and found that it drastically helped with the phlegm and the cough, and that helped with my breathing!

I swear by these products on a daily basis! people ask me what is my favorite.. It tends to change as to what my body needs at any given time! during that “flu” it was AIR for sure along with ALT. When my arthritis in my knee kicks in, then its SLD/STP/RLX!

I just thank God I did not allow the opportunity to use these products and then share them with others pass me by!

Sue Cairns 2023-01-29 02:20:54

I am shouting out!!! Not only does this company have great leadership, amazing vision and highest paid commissions – it has fabulous, yummy PRODUCTS. My favorite products are BRN (brain) and BTY (beauty). I juggle a lot during the day and rely on BRN to keep me alert and focused. My daily routine is now BTY plus our elite skincare line. I don’t suffer from ailments but do take MLS, GRW and GTS for overall well-being. MY TESTIMONIAL is our new AIR. I caught Covid during the holiday season. I was suffering from severe migraines and ear aches. I was totally exhausted and not caring to eat. I was a mess!!! Ordered AIR and as soon as it arrived: I took 3 DNA drops. Less than 45 minutes later, I was feeling like my old self. I was so amazed by the instant results that I had to call my friends to tell them – I was even using the words “game changer” lol. AIR rescued me – although still testing positive for 8 more days; all my symptoms were gone. APLGO – I am extremely grateful to have been introduced to you.

Lauren Gale. Shared this testimony that make me cry.

yesterday my dad who is in the hospital was struggling and they’re giving him the breathing treatment test and he was only registering at 500 not improving until I gave him an AIR & he went up to 1000!!