Have you ever over indulged in say to big a plate of chicken fettuccini? Maybe you ate a huge bowl of ice cream? or even to much cheesecake? We all know this will spike your blood sugar! What about those of you who have glucose issues? NRM to the front of the line please! Not only does it taste great, IT WORKS!
All the ingredients in these products have hundreds and thousands of peer reviewed studies over many years for effectiveness and safety!
Ann Marie Byrd on Migraines: Good morning,I am 51 and have had debilitating migraines that would last at least two sometimes 3days since I was in 5th grade. Started off with tingling on my right hand and usually only on my right side. It would start at the fingertips but then would jump up my hand then arm to then only the right side of my face. I would get what I call the squiggles. A single spot in my vision that had lines, but as my migraine progressed that spot would slowly grow bigger. I knew the moment I saw that dot I was done. Light sensitivity, nausea, and extremely painful. A few times I lost my peripheral vision. As I got older I noticed when the squiggles started moving out of my vision, growing but separating I realized two things one I caught the migraine in time, or I didn’t. I was on medication. Hated it, falling asleep in college classes sucked, but what I didn’t know then, I do now. One migraine or should I say more than one put me in the hospital because of the severe pain. Both times what the hospital gave me was Benadryl. So I started doing my own research, why did Benadryl work? I started finding out about my own body to stop these migraines. I found out I had allergies to certain foods. MSG, gluten, nitrates in red wine, hotdogs, bologna, to much sugar and not enough exercise or water. Once I started taking those out, drank more water, exercised more, those migraines didn’t happen as much or as often. I haven’t had one for 2 yrs until a few weeks ago, I got a squiggle!!!! Was I worried? No need to worry APLGO was there.. I took a NRM and a RLX. I thought I was done for the day headed to the bed to cover my head and let it come. I closed my eyes.. Half an hour later no sleep for me, the migraine was gone. No residuals, like feeling a Mack truck hit you. I was smiling, no squiggles, no pain, it was gone. Thank you APLGO for the DNA candy drops and the opportunity to learn and grow with you. #migraines #headache #rlx #nrm
From DEE COATS: Omg this is the best one Ricks numbers have been in the 189-190( he does hold a lot of stress so that will elevate his numbers) but for the last four days they have been 140-142 Hallelujah you all have no idea how this makes me feel with his stroke on top of that it challenges the hardest part is to keep reminding him Not To Chew
Beth WeisserI have type 2 diabetes. I take Janumet 50/1000 twice a day. I’ve been stable on that dose for several years. My waking bloodsugar is typically above 130. This morning I got busy and forgot to take my meds. I ate normal during the day and was fine. By 4 I wanted to have something sweet so I ate several squares of my 95% dark chocolate. I started to feel bad. At 5:15 I checked my bloodsugar and it was 212! I took a NRM. With only drinking a little water by 6:10 it was 185 and at 7:00 it was 106!!!! I’m so grateful
Mary Frost: This is my favorite, I have type 2 diabetes, and my readings are more normal now. This product has brought my FS up when low, and down when high, unbelievable!! Never in my life would I believed that candy can help control my A1C, Unbelievable!!
Angelica Salterio: This is my very first story of APLGO INSTANT GRATIFICATION DROPS. I just have this urge to share it because this will benefit not just my family specifically my mother but those who are struggling with health issues specially with sugar. You can ask me anytime and I will be very much willing to share my story. God bless and stay healthy !
Listen to what Joseph is experiencing: “I had been taking NRM daily for 4 weeks. My A1C came down to 7.0. My average blood sugar readings was <130. To see if I could really attribute the difference to the NRM drops, I completely stopped taking them for 3 weeks. Since then, my average daily blood sugar readings have climbed to >150. Am I going back on 1 NRM drop daily? You bet your SWEET butt I am!”
FROM TERESA CAMPBELL: In 4 weeks I dropped my High cholesterol from 144 to 75… my blood sugar from borderline high to a normal range… In 4 weeks AWESOME !My cardiologist said …whatever you’re doing continue ….it’s working great !
HRT for cholesterol
NRM for sugarAs many of my friends know I had a heart attack February 2 ,this year .I thought I was in pretty good health, I ate good ( mostly organic, steroids free meats ), exercised and kept my weight down but had a mild heart attack anyway. I have always been a strong believerof all natural, holistic alternatives, not wasting my money on over-the-counter vitamins that your body can’t absorb fully. I’m truly blessed to have these AWESOME DNA drops in my life. Our bodies can only absorb what we are DNA made of . These DNA plant-based , 100% all natural, FDA approved, gluten-free, are 100% absorbable because they bypass your digestive system going directly into your bloodstream for instant results! They have helped me bounce back quickly from my heart attack, while helping me get my numbers in a healthy range. Those that know me, know I truly love to help others and I love to share. This is my opportunity to share what has truly been a blessing in my health. I want everyone to know because I truly know that these drops can help you