As men age, they need to protect their prostrate and urniary functions. PWR for men is just the product!
All ingredients in our products have thousands of peer reviewed studies over the years for safety! One of the best reported effects of PWR for men is the “boost” in the bedroom that many men are seeing!
All the ingredients in these products have hundreds and thousands of peer reviewed studies over many years for effectiveness and safety!
As someone who has been dealing with bladder issues since I was born, I know when I have a UTI. Typically, I go to the doctor and get an antibiotic, but I wanted to try to get rid of it myself this time (even though every other time I’ve tried that, it just gets beyond awful – even to the point of going to the hospital).
This time, I asked my team if we have any drops that help with UTIs; that was 5 days ago. They came back with a resounding “PWR Men” (our hormone balancing drop for men). I started taking one of those drops three times a day, and today, my infection is gone. In five days – with an all natural solution! With a drop I wouldn’t have thought to try, but it was the one with the botanicals I needed. I’m so thankful for these drops and my knowledgeable team who knew exactly what I needed to do
From Theresa Campbell Becker: My husband has been taking ALT + PWR DNA drops for 4 months and now has came off 2 1/2 meds .Background info :My husband started having unexplained anaphylactic reaction plus body hives , 8 yrs ago this June.After a number of testing, he was diagnosed with, No known cause of chronic hives. Anyone that has experience anaphylactic reaction, knows how scary and possible life-threatening it can be. This DNA plant drops came into our lives at the perfect time*A GOD SEND*Yes, I am a huge skeptic but I did my research. Everything I read about nutrients to the body, these DNA drops provided + they are 100%absorbable !The most impressive part, for me, was the way they worked… They bypass your digestive system going directly into your cell deficit. Our bodies can only absorb what our DNA is made of. Through my research, in reading, I found that plant DNA is the closest thing to human DNA. So, we decided to try it, I am so happy we did! Terry, hasn’t had any hive breakouts nor anaphylactic issues since taking this…..BUT to our SURPRISE he was able to come OFF his reflux medsPrilosec/Nexium that he’s been taking for 24yrs WOW !!!!NOW that’s IMPRESSIVE too !
OFF 1 1/2 pills for Hives after 8y
OFF Prilosec for Gurd+narrowing esophagus after 24yALT DNA drops are good for so many things, like, hives, asthma, allergies, some people have experienced no more food allergies from taking this….AMAZING!PWR DNA for men, good for prostate, MALE hormones, Libido and so much more . I too have had some amazing results, Which I’ll talk about in another post.I decided to come out of retirement and shout this from the rooftop…
Telling anyone that will listen…
Don’t take my word ,prove it to yourself that they work. #PWR#reflux
Darrell Biz WilliamsFor the last several months I have had to get up multiple times to use the restroom, unfortunately men often times have to do that as we get older. I am just short of 60 so I guess I qualify for that age group. After using 2 PWR Lemon Lozenges a day for about 5 days I slept through the night. No more midsleep pitstops. That is definitely better for my health.
Naomi ChaconDec 18 2021**PWR W & M testimonial **I am a woman that has tried it ALL! Cleanses, Diets, Fasts, Restrictions, Life style changes… to lose weight or feel better. I am 35 & After 2 weeks of PWR W I noticed my attitude was better, fatigue was less, I had a willingness to do more, bought of depression was gone, hunger feelings throughout the day were subsiding, stress levels were manageable… PWR W has helped me balance my hormones and support my daily healthy function. I do take BTY & BRN & ICE & MLS every day, but I have added them along the way. I like to see how I feel on just a few drops at a time. My husband is 45 & started taking the PWR M and his attitude improved, he stated his fatigue wasn’t as bad, stress levels were more manageable as well. It helped support and balance him as well. We added SLD for joints and RLX for sleeping and instantly started noticing a difference. The first night his knee pain subsided and he woke up groggy because he actually slept. Grogginess subsided after a few days of actually sleeping. These drops have changed our lives! My 8yr old & 5 yr old daughter’s started taking GRW daily and loved the taste, but after I saw the positive changes to help balance our attitudes I switched both daughters to PWR W to see if it would support them as well. Their attitudes have changed for the better. They are less emotional in the way that no one is freaking out over their outfit or hair anymore
PWR W has helped bring normalcy to my daily routine.
Our lives have only gotten busier and more stressful but we maintain with more function and positive attitudes which I contribute to the PWR W & M. It has been the first time I have felt like *ME* in a lot of years. I donated blood
after a few months of being on the drops and my weight has gone down, the cholesterol has gone down and my iron levels (hemoglobin) is the highest it’s ever been. My body is happy and keeps telling me how happy it is.
*these are my own personal experiences *these drops are not meant to cure or diagnose. #pwrlemon#pwrmen#pwr
Thora Holbrook is with Laura Behling Hamblin .Dec 20 2021 Well here is my mega gain for the day!
If anyone knows my husband they know he has been dealing with some pretty heavy depression/anxiety attacks. He has been taking
for 9 years. He also took klonopin at least once a day (if not more) for his anxiety attacks. He has been taking the DNA
drops and we have seen noticeable changes!His toe nails were always super dark and thick (think Austin powers).
Now they’re clear and look like normal healthy nails! His reflux has decreased, he has had more energy. But today…… He told me he hasn’t taken his klonopin In weeks!!!!!!! THIS IS HUGE!!!!
Edit to add: I was talking to him the other day and I misunderstood. He not only pretty much quit klonopin, he also stopped taking his daily celexa. I am BEYOND thrilled!!!
He has been taking the PWR, GTS, ALT and I have started adding the BRN. These drops have literally given my family so many gains (the extra funds haven’t hurt either). The other added bonus is no one complains about taking their morning candies!!