Ladies! it does not matter if you are still in your child bearing years or headed into menopause. PWR for women is here to help! This product helps regulate your hormones, helps with all that comes along with your monthly cycles.
For those of you headed into or going thru menopause.. great news! PWR for women helps with things like HOT FLASHES! and yes, even vaginal dryness..
All the ingredients in these products have thousands of peer reviewed studies over many years for safety as well!
This from Tina D’Angelo: Lady friends I know you understand me on this one! It’s something we should all be talking, sharing and helping each other out about . This might be TMI, let’s really talk about that time of the month!
The terrible cramps, the unbearable clots and heavy bleeding, the menstrual migraines, bloating, mood swings and loss of libido. It’s real and it doesn’t get better the older you get!I’ve suffered for years. I have PCOS, which causes irregular cycles, ovarian cysts, hormonal acne, weight gain, and more. I tried cutting out certain foods, gave different birth controls a try, to balance my hormones chemically. I only ended up with more side effects (weight gain, migraines and worse mood swings from prolonged use) even my GYN said to get off everything and grin and bare it the best I could. My only choice left was surgery, which I’m honestly not ready for. Then this came into my life
The natural power of negative ions
and plant
from botanicals that are
absorbed into the cells for an immediate health benefit:
ginger root
asparagus root
ginkgo bilboa
dumiera leavesI’ve been taking it for the last 6 months. I can’t believe the change! Minimal menstrual cramps, shorter, easier cycles (like clock work, very predictable, that’s never happened for me before!), menstrual migraines gone, more energy, weight loss and something I wasn’t expecting but makes complete sense
my hormonal adult acne is also gone. My skin has never been clearer
.I also give this to my teen daughter and her results are also similar. It really can be that simple, natural, safe and less suffering for us ladies everywhere
.It blows my mind how much it’s doing, not only my female hormones but also for my entire endocrine system which includes my thyroid and adrenals. Why treat one area and leave the rest out?*This is my personal experience. I’m not trying to diagnoses, cure or treat. Consult your medical physician for advice #PWR#period#cramps
This from Aleshia: Aleisha Iamaio: I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself. I have been taking these products since July of 2020. I consistently take the PWR for women. Women’s health doesn’t seem that exciting right? However it’s amazing how awful you feel when things are out of balance! This is the third time that I have stopped taking PWR since July and I am so out of whack. Sorry guys, gonna get personal here. So when I ovulated it was very uncomfortable, my skin was looking great and now I’m all broken out, and my kids are driving me crazy! I think I’ve yelled more this past week than I have in six months! They say third times a charm. So I’m pretty sure I can’t go a day without this stuff. When I take it consistently, I go through my cycle as cool as a cucumber! If you are a female, you need this stuff!
Zhenya Altamirano: Dec 18 2021First time posting and could go on and on about how incredible these all are and how much VITALITY I feel overall, but today I want to highlight this dynamic duo. Thanks to this combo, PWR and BRN, I no longer wonder if I can keep my appointments and plans. I no longer live in an unknown space where I just simply don’t know how my invisible chronic illness will undermine me today. Because no matter how I wake up, I know this combo will not only power me up for the day and the future, it will keep me running all day without a caffeine crash. Fibromyalgia and PMDD are something that can be dormant but as my husband likes to joke, I am a Mercedes, and need constant maintenance
These rappid DNA drops and this company are everything I was looking for in my holistic natural healing path
I got to say power for women. AWESOME I have been on this for 30 days. I noticed for me that it’s wonder drop for PMS to…
I had Cramps so bad that now it’s very very Mild