Joints bothering you? Maybe an injury that now has arthritis? SLD works wonders! Keeping your joints lubricated and moving so you can live life!
This product combined with STP (for occasional pain) and/or RLX (relax) is a great “cocktail”
All the ingredients in these products have thousands of peer reviewed studies over many years for safety as well!
My son Luke has a condition called, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and for him was excruciating pain that would shoot through his legs when he came to rest at night. He would thrash his legs about, kicking and wrenching from the discomfort. He said, “It feels like someone is trying to rip my legs off”!
What was supposed to be the part of the day that he could just lay down and recover from his constant movements through the day the discomfort would hit him like a ton of bricks at night. After going to specialist after specialist we received our answer. The Pediatric Rheumatologist said there’s no cure but to strengthen the muscles around the veins and arteries throughout his body especially the legs.
She described it as throughout the day the elasticity in his body was more than the usual person has and with movement it would stretch the ligaments, veins, arteries and muscles out all day, so like a rubber band when it comes to rest it will begin to tighten up again.
This caused extreme problems for Luke. I would find him in pain, crying at night just trying to fall asleep. We tried so many things to help him. You name it, we tried it. Finally a girlfriend of mine offered for me to try a new product from Europe that may help.
I agreed, and since the lozenges taste like candy, Luke just took them at night thinking Mom was sneaking him candy. I didn’t tell him what they were because I didn’t want a pseudo response from him.
By day 3, of being on the 2 lozenges he was no longer struggling to fall asleep and even better he was no longer waking up in excruciating discomfort. After, 3 months of taking one SLD and one STP at night, now he only takes them when needed. Usually 2 or 3 times a month.
There may not be a “cure” but there is no doubt in our minds that there is “Real Help”! I’m so grateful for what God brought into our lives and continue to look forward to sharing all the successes!!!
He recently was able to meet the man that brought that amazing product over to the US after being in Europe for 9 years. He didn’t speak English, so Luke took my phone and Google translated his gratitude to him.
Simply, Grateful
Can I just give a Shout Out to God and the Amazing Plants He gave to us and what the DNA of those plants can do for our bodies!! Promises made, Promises Kept
Seriously, excited about Slide (SLD) this week! As crazy as this sounds, the below Lozenge helped 2 people that I love this week. My father came over to my house and had got stung by a
and it had swollen up his whole hand
making it also difficult for him to bend his fingers.
I didn’t have any ALT on me (allergy one) but I did have the one for inflammation. Honestly, thought it could give him a bit of relief but was beyond excited after giving him 2 and only 30 mins after that not only did the swelling go down a lot on his hand but he was able to bend his fingers again.
Now flash forward to the very next morning when my girlfriend, Nikki called me because her daughter was stung 3 times by a scorpion
on her arm. Now I had given Nikki a bunch of samples the weeks prior and while she didn’t have any of the ALT left.
She did however have SLD, left. She gave her daughter an SLD lozenge and within 20 mins of sucking on SLD the swelling, tingling, and redness was gone Literally, I LOVE THIS PRODUCT AND THIS COMPANY
Klee Miller After my shoulder surgery SLD and STP helps me sleep every night without pain and using opioids
Bill Megge: I love STP ! I have badly herniated lower discs however I like to maintain an active lifestyle.For the past 2 months my aches & pains have been soothed drastically !Now part of my repertoire !
Sheryl Sams I came home yesterday and my grandson was here and had been crying cause his ankle was hurting so I gave him a drop for pain and within 5 minutes he was laughing and ready to go play. It was amazing love it
#sld *requested name not be posted on social media: SLD | my aches and pains are gone SLD is a LIFESAVER. I have Lupus, MS, and Fibromyalgia. I am also extremely active with my children; kayaking, hiking, working out, yoga, baseball, and bike riding are all very much so a part of our livesRecovery from these activities is real for me. Usually, I have to take 2 days minimum to work the kinks out and take at least one full day to rest. With SLD, my aches and pains are gone. GONE. The fatigue is still there but I am not extra drained due to pain. I’m in love.Thank you, Kelly, for turning us on to these drops! #SLD#fibromyalgia#lupus#MS